Adopted by President’s Cabinet 11/22/2016



一卡通用于校园识别,一卡通的进出服务包括,但 not limited to, Dining, Housing, and Vending.

The card is non-transferable.

Replacement cards are the sole responsibility of the card holder.


持卡人须为注册学生、在职职员、 或健身中心顾客,或直至该卡过期或被撤销.

更改或故意损坏猫卡,使用他人的猫卡,或 允许他人使用他们的猫卡可能会受到纪律处分和/或没收.

持卡人有责任立即通知营业处,如有任何问题 the card is lost or stolen.

Bobcat Bucks

山猫雄鹿是一个下降的余额或预付的资金计划,可以访问 through the CatCard for card holder’s convenience. The account is established at the 与此同时,猫卡被创建为零($0)余额,不能使用,除非 funded solely at the discretion of the card holder. Bobcat Bucks is only accepted on-campus.

There is no daily limit on the number of purchases that may be made and debited; however, no debits or charges shall exceed the amount of deposited funds.

No interest shall be paid on any balance in the account(s).

该帐户在收到学院的初始存款后自动激活 持卡人有责任监控账户余额和所有消费 and deposits made.

帐户信息可随时通过myEGSC门户网站Bobcat获得 Bucks link. 存款可在JAM学生活动中心的反向ATM机进行 中心在斯温斯伯勒校园使用现金或通过门户网站链接. All deposits will be immediately available for use.

Balances, refunds, returns and account closures

根据现行的退款政策,可以接受退货 at the place of purchase of the product(s) or service(s). Any refunds shall be credited to the cardholder’s account; no cash refunds will be made for any purchase made with the CatCard. 山猫队的退款申请在毕业,退学, 离职和终止雇佣,必须提出书面要求 within 180 days of such event. (Exception: Bobcat Buck balances of $10.00 or less are not subject to refund). Balances remaining after 180 days forfeited and become the property of the College. Refund Request form may be found here.

A processing fee of $10.00 per account will be deducted from the remaining balance.


超过180天未使用的信用卡余额将成为…的财产 the College.

如果不是由于营业处的过错,学院不承担责任 资金不足,无法完成转账,有系统故障或有记录 是办事处无法控制的情况(如火灾、水灾、地震、 civil disturbance, etc), which prevent the transfer.

如果持卡人试图使用帐户时,没有足够的资金在 Bobcat Bucks account, the transaction will not be approved. However, should the rare 由于系统问题或其他原因,购买发生在 账户中没有足够的资金(造成“短缺”或“负金额”) “owed” funds will automatically be deducted from the next deposit. Alternatively, 商务办公室将为系统上的负余额开具账单 than five (5) days and reserves the right to assess a $15.00 processing fee. The Business 办公室有权冻结山猫雄鹿队账户中剩余的任何资金 如果提交的信用卡费用未支付而被退回. Repeated cases 不足或负的金额将被取消参加的理由. 如果持卡人是学生,他或她将被搁置,直到所有费用 are cleared. 如果持卡人是雇员,他或她将有2周的时间来支付. 如果两周内未支付负的金额,将被扣除 the employee’s paycheck.

Lost, Stolen or Damaged cards


持卡人对任何未经授权使用该卡及该卡上所有帐户的行为负责。 until the Business Office is notified. Once notified, the Business Office will freeze the account to prevent unauthorized usage.

A police report does NOT waive the fee for card replacement. Cards that become nonfunctioning 由于正常使用,将免费更换卡后,提交给 Business Office.

Error Resolution

如果活动报表上有错误,或者持卡人想要更多 有关特定交易的信息,可以通过以下方式与商务办公室联系 在发现错误后的六十(60)天内致电478-289-2365或通过邮件发送. In 如有口头通知,商务办事处可要求持卡人提交 a written notification with ten (10) business days. If the activity statement does 显示并非由持卡人进行的交易,商务办事处应 be notified immediately.

Disclosure of Account Information to Third Parties

商务办公室只会向第三方披露有关账户的信息 或为完成转让而进行的必要转让,以便遵守 有政府传票或法院命令,或持卡人书面许可. 学院将遵守所有适用的法律和学院政策 use of information of stored images. 

Changes in Terms and Conditions

学院将邮寄,电子邮件到持卡人的学院电子邮件帐户,或提供一份 在任何变更生效日期前至少二十一(21)天发出书面通知 如果条款或条件的改变会导致费用的增加,或者收费的增加 liability for the cardholder. Prior notice need not be given where an immediate change 在条款或条件下是必要的,以维持或恢复电子安全 fund transfer.

通过使用该卡,我同意与该卡有关的政策和程序 Program. 我授权澳博app下载申请任何我 receive toward charges accessed to my student account. I have read the above and agree 我将根据本文件的条款和条件承担责任.