Adopted by Academic 政策 and Curriculum Committee 10/8/18 


In fall 2017, Michigan State University noted in 谈话 把学生放在“中心”是提高留用率和减少 缓刑和退学. Many institutions require midterm grades and, although there is not always a correlation between midterm grades and success in a course, midterm grades provide an early alert to students who may be at risk for failure. 

EGSC致力于学生的成功,并实施一系列广泛的早期预警 干预程序. 这 policy supports the EGSC Early Alert policy, which 在一年级建立了两次或两次以上缺课的警报报告制度 notification to the EGSC retention team. 这 policy expands on the early alert policy 通过建立 要求 报告时间表 期中成绩和满意/不满意的进度报告 在所有课程的学期中,如下所述,让学生了解他们的 progress at key points in the semester so as to ensure success. 

此政策适用于所有EGSC的全日制、短学期和夏季学期课程 campuses and off-campus instructional sites. It replaces the former process for entering 班纳网的“期中成绩”或“五周成绩”,在教师手册中有概述 从2017年开始. 


教员被要求管理 分级作业 在进度报告和期中成绩报告之前,每学期的报告就足够了 能够在之前的进度报告中输入满意/不满意的分数 期中考试(在下面列出的时间表上)和期中考试的字母分数 grade (on the schedule outlined below). 


为了促进学生的成功,至关重要的是学生有一个地方 they can see their up-to-date grades posted. Towards that end, faculty are 要求 定期在学院的学员管理系统D2L上公布最新成绩, 或者在一个综合的学习工具中,比如我的数学实验室,使用两者的结合 formative and summative assessments so that students may track their progress. 这 enables students to better track their progress and works to support the intended outcome of midterm grades and progress reports. 

The Associate Dean for 网络学习 provides training in D2L. 所有的新教员都将 要求 to attend at least one training for D2L. Specific training for the D2L gradebook 所有教职员工都可以通过视频和面对面的研讨会来学习. 


如前所述,所有教师将在GradesFirst中输入进度报告和期中成绩 below, for every course offered on any EGSC campus/off-campus instructional site. 

Progress reports will be entered 所有学生 in all core curriculum courses. Progress reports are optional for students in 3000 and 4000 level courses. 

Midterm grades will be entered 所有学生. 


Four-Week Progress Report: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory 

在一个完整学期的第四周,教员必须表明学生是否 is currently performing at a satisfactory or unsatisfactory level. 这是可以做到的 by entering an “S” (Satisfactory/Successful) or “U” (Unsatisfactory/Unsuccessful) 所有学生 via a link generated in GradesFirst 由电子学习副院长主持. 链接将 被送到… faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 

输入成绩等级后,教师也可以在各等级中注明 在他们的课程中,学生是否有挂科的风险,以及选择 from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏 参与,等等.). Using the “S” and “U” system eliminates the need to have 在16周的学期中,一个确切的成绩,但仍然让学生有 他/她的进步情况. 链接将到达 via email approximately 5-7 days before the due date for the “S/U” alerts. Generally, a “U” indicates that a student is performing at a level lower than a C. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in 课堂上提供反馈给学生,以便计算和 提交进度报告. 

Seven-Week 期中成绩:字母级 

在整个16周学期的第7周,教师将分配期中成绩 以a的形式 信等级 所有学生. Responses will be made via a link generated in GradesFirst by the 电子学习副院长. 链接将 被送到… faculty members via EGA邮件. 当回应 to the link, faculty members can indicate in each of their 学生是否有挂科的风险,并从中选择课程 a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏 参与等.). 

到目前为止,在16周的学期中,教师们应该有几个评估 from which to derive a 信等级 to assign to the student. 链接将到达 大约在为期七周的期中警报截止日期前5-7天 will be due approximately 3 days before last day to withdraw 而不受惩罚. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in 课堂上提供反馈给学生,以便计算和 提交中期报告. 


Two-Week Progress Report: Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory 

八周学期的第二周, faculty members will respond with an “S” (Satisfactory/Successful) 或“U”(不满意/不成功)通过GradesFirst生成的链接 由电子学习副院长主持. 链接将 被送到… faculty members 透过EGSC官方电邮. 当回应 to the link, faculty members can indicate 在他们的每门课程中,学生是否有挂科的风险, and select from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席, 缺乏参与等.). Using the “S” and “U” system eliminates the need to have an exact grade at this point in the 8-week semester. 

该链接将在“S/U”警报截止日期前约3天到达 明确提交的“截止”日期. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in 课堂上提供反馈给学生,以便计算和 提交进度报告. 

Four-Week 期中成绩:字母级 

在一个八周的学期的第四周,教员们会给他们回信 通过GradesFirst中由副院长生成的链接查看所有学生的成绩 网络学习. 链接将 be delivered to faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 在回复链接时,教师也可以在他们的每门课程中注明 学生是否有失败的风险,并从各种选择中进行选择 of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏参与, 等.). 

链接将到达 approximately 5-7 days before the due date for the four-week “期中”成绩,将在退学的最后一天前大约3天交 而不受惩罚. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in 课堂上提供反馈给学生,以便计算和 提交期中成绩报告. 


Six-day Progress Report: Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory 

四周的学期将相当多的教学和学习压缩到 短暂的一段时间. Usually, the midpoint of a four-week semester is day eight 或者是课程的九门,整个课程大约在17分钟内完成 eighteen days (depending on 假期 and exam dates). 

出于这个原因,教师们会在课程的第六天给出一个“S”的答复。 (满意/成功)或“U”(不满意/不成功) a link generated in GradesFirst 由电子学习副院长主持. 链接将 被送到… faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 当回应 to the link, faculty members 也可以在他们的每门课程中指出学生是否有风险 不及格(或不及格),并从学生可能不成功的各种原因中进行选择 (i.e. 出席,缺乏参与, 等.). Using the “S” and “U” system eliminates the need to have an exact grade in such 短暂的一段时间. 


Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in 课堂上提供反馈给学生,以便计算和 提交进度报告. 


在为期四周的学期的第二周,教师们将以书面形式给出成绩 通过澳博app下载学习副院长在GradesFirst中生成的链接为所有学生提供. 

链接将 be delivered to faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 当回应 对于这个链接,教师也可以在他们的每门课程中指出是否 学生似乎有不及格(或不及格)的风险,并从各种原因中进行选择 why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏参与, 等.). 

该链接将在为期两周的期中考试截止日期前大约5-7天到达 成绩,将于截止日期前3天左右撤回 点球. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in 课堂上提供反馈给学生,以便计算和 提交期中成绩报告. 


提醒将被发送给任何学生的保留团队和学生的指导老师 谁在进度报告和/或期中成绩中得到不满意的指标 低于C. Advisors and retention specialists will make a legitimate effort to contact the student to address any issues that may be barriers to success. 


不能完成以上成绩提醒的教师应与老师沟通 their deans and/or 直接主管s as soon as possible. 最终,责任 对于跟踪完成的成绩提醒由教师取决于教师的 直接主管. 

主管应该收集一份他们所在区域内所有未报到的教员的名单 midterm and progress reports and send this to the Vice President for Academic and 学生事务. Such failures to report may factor into the annual evaluation of the faculty member by their supervisor. 

Calendar for Midterm Grades and Progress Reports

负责学术和学生事务的副校长会把期中考试的课程表寄过来 grades and progress reports listing specific dates. 本日历将分发 通过电子邮件发送给所有教员 会员在前一个学期开始注册时,以便他们可以计划 相应的评估. The calendar will also be posted to the EGSC web site for 快速参考. 


A GradesFirst training course is available for all faculty members; new faculty members 必须参加grade first培训,并应通知其院长或副院长 dean for 网络学习 to be added to the training course. 
